Does Traveling Affect Your Period?

Ever wondered whether traveling affects your menstrual cycle? Well, you would not be wrong for thinking so. When you travel for long distances, such as overseas, your body gets thrown off its normal rhythm. Not only does travel affect your period, but it might also cause exhaustion, lack of appetite, stomach upset, and irritability.

Tips for Managing Your Period during Travel

  • Stay away from overindulging in alcohol. I know you are on holiday! You need to check on your alcohol intake.
  • Relax more on holiday. Traveling to a new destination should be all about having a good time. Stress may cause painful periods or late periods. 
  • Sleep. Jet lag and climate change can make your body not adapt to a new cycle before going for a trip. Some people tend to compensate for jet lag by sleeping through their flight or immediately landing to allow the body to adjust.
  • Stay active. Do you have an exercise routine? Do not stop while on vacation. Create time to do a bit of exercise. A walk on the beach counts!
  • Drink water and fresh fruit. These two help your body get enough fuel to keep you going. Drinking water also helps reduce menstrual cramps.
  • Make sure you have enough or more of your preferred supplies. You do not want to worry about your sanitary towels’ supply running low. Always pack two or more hygienic towels in your purse during your day and night adventures.

Bottom line

Travel has the potential of affecting your period. The best way to stay on top of your menstrual cycle during a trip is to avoid stress. It takes time for your hormones to get back into balance when jumping time zones. But if you stay put, your body will readjust within a cycle or two.